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The Importance of Community

May 2024

The concept of community is something we think about often at Team Martial Arts. There’s a reason that we chose “TEAM” as the name for our school. We are not defined by or reliant upon any one individual – rather, it’s the group effort and everyone working together that makes us who we are. The terms “community” and “team” both convey sentiments of togetherness and positivity, identity and belonging.

At Team Martial Arts, if you look around our school, you’re likely to find the words “We Believe. You Belong.” These words are deeply engrained in our purpose and influence every decision we make. We want our school to be a place where individuals and families know that they are among people who believe in them, and that they have a place where they feel they belong. Chief Wade (my husband) started training in martial arts when he was 12 years old, after trying a number of team and individual sports. Of all the activities he tried, he could never quite find the thing that was for him. With martial arts, he immediately knew that he had found the place where he belonged, and a passion took hold of him (a blog post for another time…).

If you ask any of our instructors or black belts why they have stayed with martial arts as long as they have, the majority of them will tell you that it’s because karate has been the one place where they felt that they belonged, and where they felt that they could be really good at something. Our school is a place where each student is challenged, supported, and celebrated as they grow.

As parents, when we think about our own kids and being part of a community, the old proverb quickly comes to mind: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Parents should always feel that they have the support of their “village” when it comes to wanting what is best for their kids. TEAM Martial Arts is proud to be a part of that “village” for so many families.

We are also proud to be part of the greater Livermore community – we live in such an amazing town! We are honored to be a part of so many of the events organized by Downtown Livermore Inc., and we believe fully in their vision to keep the heart of Livermore strong so that the entire community can thrive. You can spot us downtown throughout the year at events like the Livermore Downtown Street Fest, Family First Nights at the Thursday Farmers Market, Halloween Hay Day, and Holiday Village at Carnegie Park.

Being part of a strong community is so important – it provides support and safety; connection and meaning; positive influence and motivation; and sharing, learning, and acceptance. We encourage everyone to seek out a community, no matter how big or small, that makes you feel that you belong.

– Miss Amber